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    Kodiak Concrete LLC is a Colorado based family owned concrete construction company



    Though we are a family owned business house but the company is run and managed by professional workforce. We maintain highest level of professionalism when we deal with any customer and execute our projects. The mission of our company is to provide quality service to our customers at an affordable cost and within approved schedule. Whenever the customer needs a concrete construction of Patios, Driveways, Stamp etc., they think of us. We are the most sought after Colorado concrete construction and repair company and is a known name in the concrete construction. You can reach us via phone or email and our representative will either call you or respond to your email within maximum 24 hours. Once we understand your initial requirement, we will send our team to carry out the property inspection and provide the customer with an estimate of the scope of work, cost and timelines. Once the customer approves the scope of work, cost and timeline, we send our team to execute the work. Once the work is completed we take feedback from the customer and work on the suggestions provided by the customer. When it comes to concrete Denver co and Denver concrete contractors, we stand at the top of the list, simply because of the reputation we have earned by providing quality services which is cost effective and suits the budget of the customer.

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    If there is any work related to stamped concrete in Denver region or concrete patio in Denver region, Kodiak is the name which comes to the mind of any customer, though we do not carry out any marketing campaigns to showcase our work repute. It is purely our good work, which speaks volume about our expertise, capability and excellence in this field. Though there are many Denver concrete companies, but customers prefer us for any type of concrete landscaping construction and repair work. Our professionally trained and experienced workforce has established the credential, which has brought us reputation and business. It is not only new customers who gives us business, our existing customers have also given us repeat business after having experience of our quality services. Even if there is a small work like building or repairing concrete countertops in Denver region, we are the first preference of any customer as they are aware that Kodiak does not work mechanically, they use creativity in the work, which separates us from any other competition.

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    PHONE: (720)822-3296


    DENVER CO 80219


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